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映像保存学会AMIA 2016 レポート(前川充) / AMIA 2016 Report by Mitsuru Maekawa


Meander is a space for documentation and experimentation within our website, a place to reflect on our projects and artists, as well as a way to explore intersections between those works, artists, and themes we study under our mission (Japanese experimental moving image works made in 1950s-1980s), and those that fall outside of our mission’s specific framework of timeframe, genres, and nationality.

Meander may take multiple forms including essays, introductions to artists and their work, online screening programs, or special digital projects. Offerings in Meander may suggest oblique angles from which to see CCJ’s mission-specific works, artists, histories, or practices.

映像保存学会AMIA 2016 レポート(前川充) / AMIA 2016 Report by Mitsuru Maekawa

Ann Adachi-Tasch

今年の映像保存学会 Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA)カンファレンスはアメリカ・ペンシルベニア州のピッツバーグで行われました。このレポートではカンファレンス参加者の前川充氏によるレポートをシェアさせて頂きました。以下のセッションについてレポートされています。各機関で行われているデジタル保存のケース・スタディー、著作権を乗り越えてアクセスを提供するストラテジー、デジタル・データのチェッキング・ツールなど映像保存に関る様々なセッションがおこなわれました。

This year's Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) conference was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In this Notes Part 1, attendee and friend of CCJ, Mitsuru Maekawa shares his notes of the sessions. 



Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC)により発信されたAutomated QC Tools Analysisについて(スライド11−13)
Thursday, November 10th, 10:15am
“Automated QC Tools Analysis For a Better and Brighter Future”
The Dave Rice/BAVC QCTools software has provided the A/V preservation community with an invaluable tool for analyzing digitized media. This presentation discusses open-source, python-based tools have been built to read and analyze QCTools reports in order to help automate and streamline the process of video analysis for digitization workflows. This panel will introduce tools that may provide an open-source alternative to QC software systems that are too costly or difficult to implement for smaller institutions, as well as provide an opportunity to advance the discussion of what it means to control for quality when digitizing archival AV materials. 

Thursday, 2pm
“Re-Envisioning Japan: Ephemeral Film Recuperation, Restoration, and Digital Curation”
“Re-Envisioning Japan: Japan as Destination in Visual and Material Culture” (REJ) is a multimedia and digital archive of tourism travel and educational ephemera documenting changing images of Japan and its place in the world in the early to mid 20th century. 

デジタル化イニシアチブの導入ストラテジーのケース・スタディー。パネリストはUCLA大学図書館、スタンフォード大学図書館、EYE フィルム・ミュージアム、Southern Folklife Collectionなどからのケース・スタディーを紹介。(スライド21−24)
Friday, November 11th, 9:30am
“Building Digital Preservation Initiatives”
This panel focuses on exposing participants to strategies for expanding or scaling up digital preservation initiatives. Speakers will present case studies focusing on how they have successfully improved, ramped up, or built digital preservation program from scratch at their respective organizations. 

Friday, 11am
“Overcoming Rights Paralysis: Practical Approaches to Providing Access”
This session will provide insights from rights experts working within two leading organizations digitizing many thousands of hours of audiovisual content with accessibility as a primary goal. Presenters will include Greg Cram, Associate Director of Copyright and Information Policy at New York Public Library and Jay Fialkov, Deputy General Counsel at WGBH.

Friday, 2pm
“Capturing Captioning: Problems in Preservation and Presentation of Timed Text”
Developed in the 1970s as a method for providing expanded access to television programming for the hearing-impaired, closed captions (CC) are carried in line 21 of the NTSC video signal. When analog video is converted to an uncompressed digital file, closed captions are preserved. They can, however, become scrambled when compression is introduced, which presents a key challenge to institutions interested in preserving CC functionality in access copies of preserved video…

Friday, 3:30pm (スライド38−40)
“The National Archives, Historypin, and WWI: Anniversaries, Apps, and Audiences”
Almost two years ago, NARA and Historypin launched a project to digitize its contents. NARA is launching an app to deliver moving images and photos to museums, teachers, and coders. 

Friday, 4:45pm
“Ongoing Intermediations: Preserving Jud Yalkut and Nam June Paik” 
How do we best make sense of past hybrid media forms in the present? This panel, investigates theoretical and practical approaches to understanding and preserving the moving image through the work of pioneering media artists and frequent collaborators Jud Yalkut (1938-2013) and Nam June Paik (1932-2006).

Saturday, 2:30pm
“Standards, AXF & Designing Data for Long Term Survival”
Standards created the physical and file-based media whose content we preserve. Standards are now taming the wild west which exists with the vendor-specific technology-based data sets of digitized content now being created, from audiovisual files to metadata, to cataloging records. But what about the data as a whole? How you plan, select and implement data storage hardware and software determines your data set’s long term survivability. This session will cover: How to design a data set for the long-term survival both of the content itself and other data set being stored over time; The new data archiving standard AXF (the Archive eXchange Format, SMPTE standard 2034-1), how its designated for long-term data survival, the current & future hardware & software problems it’s designed to solve, and how it is being implemented; How to design workflows and choose technologies and/or data set vendors wisely.