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December Members' Viewing: Kyoko Michishita Part 2
to Dec 31

December Members' Viewing: Kyoko Michishita Part 2

We are thrilled to partner with curator Jesse Cumming and VTape to present works by Kyoko Michishita from November through January. With grant support from Japan Foundation New York, we are able to present English subtitled versions of Michishita’s Video Portraits – Men series in November and December in the Members Monthly Viewing. In January, Jesse Cumming will present an online screening program.

Image: Video Portraits – Men: Shuntaro Tanikawa (Kyoko Michishita, 1982). Courtesy of Vtape & Kyoko Michishita.

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Masao Adachi's Female Student Guerrilla
to Nov 13

Masao Adachi's Female Student Guerrilla

  • Google Calendar ICS

The second of the two screenings in the series, “Stepping Out of Politics: Films by Masao Adachi” organized by Go Hirasawa will present Masao Adachi’s Female Student Guerrilla.

“Stepping Out of Politics: Films by Masao Adachi” addresses the intersections between film and the philosophical questions of what is politics, revolution, film, and ultimately media itself. This program will explore these questions through the two screenings and the live discussion on October 29th.

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November Members' Viewing: Kyoko Michishita Part 1
to Nov 30

November Members' Viewing: Kyoko Michishita Part 1

We are thrilled to partner with curator Jesse Cumming and VTape to present works by Kyoko Michishita from November through January. With grant support from Japan Foundation New York, we are able to present English subtitled versions of Michishita’s Video Portraits – Men series in November and December in the Members Monthly Viewing. In January, Jesse Cumming will present an online screening program.

Image: Video Portraits – Men: Issey Miyake (Kyoko Michishita, 1982). Courtesy of Vtape & Kyoko Michishita.

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Live Online Event - Stepping Out of Politics: Films by Masao Adachi
10:00 AM10:00

Live Online Event - Stepping Out of Politics: Films by Masao Adachi

CCJ’s Go Hirasawa once again welcomes Masao Adachi in a live discussion on the occasion of two online screenings we will present in October and November. Join us for this special occasion to hear a deep dive interview with Masao Adachi by Go Hirasawa, with Julian Ross as the translator and discussant.

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Koji Wakamatsu's Sex Jack
to Nov 6

Koji Wakamatsu's Sex Jack

  • Google Calendar ICS

First of the two screenings in the series, “Stepping Out of Politics: Films by Masao Adachi” organized by Go Hirasawa starts off with Sex Jack (1970) directed by Koji Wakamatsu and screenplay written by Masao Adachi. Hirasawa will do a deep dive interview with Adachi about the film and more, on September 29th, not to miss!

“Stepping Out of Politics: Films by Masao Adachi” addresses the intersections between film and the philosophical questions of what is politics, revolution, film, and ultimately media itself. This program will explore these questions through the two screenings and the live discussion on October 29th.

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August Members' Viewing: Michiko Sasaki's To Die Sometime
to Aug 31

August Members' Viewing: Michiko Sasaki's To Die Sometime

CCJ is pleased to partner with Go Hiraswa to present Michiko Sasaki’s To Die Sometime (1974), a remarkable film diary comprised of photographs of the protests at the Nihon University All-Campus Joint Struggle Committee (Nichidai Zenkyōtō) and film fragments depicting everyday life. It is an unusual filmic experiment that combined invaluable document of the protests from 1968 through 1974 and images from Sasaki’s personal life.

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July Members' Viewing: Yutaka Matsuzawa Part 3
to Jul 31

July Members' Viewing: Yutaka Matsuzawa Part 3

CCJ is thrilled to partner with researcher Shuhei Hosoya who will introduce filmed actions of Yutaka Matsuzawa and related artists’ Free Commune events over May through July. A truly unique opportunity to view these documentations, we are proud to offer access to this important material in support of future reevaluations of artists and their works.

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June Members' Viewing: Yutaka Matsuzawa Part 2
to Jun 30

June Members' Viewing: Yutaka Matsuzawa Part 2

CCJ is thrilled to partner with researcher Shuhei Hosoya who will introduce filmed actions of Yutaka Matsuzawa and related artists’ Free Commune events over May through July. A truly unique opportunity to view these documentations, we are proud to offer access to this important material in support of future reevaluations of artists and their works.

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May Members' Viewing: Yutaka Matsuzawa Part 1
to May 31

May Members' Viewing: Yutaka Matsuzawa Part 1

CCJ is thrilled to partner with researcher Shuhei Hosoya who will introduce filmed actions of Yutaka Matsuzawa and related artists’ Free Commune events over the next three months. A truly unique opportunity to view these documentations, we are proud to offer access to this important material in support of future reevaluations of artists and their works.

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​​Anarchic Visions of Everyday: Women’s Cinematic Experiments in the 1990s
to Mar 27

​​Anarchic Visions of Everyday: Women’s Cinematic Experiments in the 1990s

  • Lightbox Film Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CCJ is very pleased to partner with researchers Wakae Nakane and Miryam Sas who will present their curatorial project on our viewing platform as part of our Meander Program.

Image: Still from Hiromi Saiki, The Place Which Isn’t Necessarily Wrong [Anagachi machigatteru tomo ienai kū], 1996, 18 min, 8mm, sound, color

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​​Experiments in Flicker & Love
7:00 PM19:00

​​Experiments in Flicker & Love

CCJ is pleased to co-present with Lightbox Film Center three screening programs under the Japanese Experimental Animation project, curated by Go Hirasawa (2/19), Julian Ross (2/25), and Fusako Matsu (2/11). The final screening curated by Julian Ross features graphic designer Keiichi Tanaami, whose collection has been a focus of our research since 2018. The screening will include new digitizations of Tanaami’s She (1971) and Look at the Wood (1975), as well as Human Events (Ningen Moyō, 1975), which CCJ preserved in 2018. In the screening program, Ross situates Tanaami’s works in conversation with contemporary works.

Image: Still Keiichi Tanaami, She, 1971, 8 min. ©Keiichi Tanaami.

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Ryōhei Yanagihara and Hiroshi Manabe: Out of Three-Person Animation Circle
7:00 PM19:00

Ryōhei Yanagihara and Hiroshi Manabe: Out of Three-Person Animation Circle

CCJ is pleased to co-present with Lightbox Film Center three screening programs under the Japanese Experimental Animation project, curated by Go Hirasawa (2/19), Julian Ross (2/25), and Fusako Matsu (2/11). In this second screening, Go Hirasawa highlights two artists of the Three-Person Animation Circle (Animation 3-nin no Kai), a group formed at Sogetsu Art Center by Yōji Kuri, Ryōhei Yanagihara, and Hiroshi Manabe. In Hirasawa’s program, we are delighted to present the premiere of the digitally restored version of Ryōhei Yanagihara’s Sea Battle (Kaisen, 1960).

Image: Still from Ryōhei Yanagihara, Sea Battle (Kaisen), 1960, 20 min, b/w, sound, 16mm transferred to digital. ©Art Copyright Center.Ltd

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Yōji Kuri: Art, Life and Opinions
7:00 PM19:00

Yōji Kuri: Art, Life and Opinions

CCJ is pleased to co-present with Lightbox Film Center three screening programs under the Japanese Experimental Animation project, curated by Go Hirasawa (2/19), Julian Ross (2/25), and Fusako Matsu (2/11). In this first screening, we are thrilled to collaborate with curator Fusako Matsu and the Yōji Kuri Studio to present works by Kuri. Further, we are excited to welcome Ushio Shinohara and Reiko Tomii for a special post-screening discussion about Shinohara’s interview by Kuri. We are grateful for the support from Ushio and Noriko Shinohara and the Arakawa + Gins The Reversible Destiny Foundation.

Image: Still from Yōji Kuri, The Midnight Parasites (Kiseichū no ichiya), 1972, 10 min, color, sound, 35mm transferred to digital. ©️Yoji Kuri

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