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Michio Okabe's Crazy Love (1968)
to Nov 29

Michio Okabe's Crazy Love (1968)

  • Google Calendar ICS

Collaborative Cataloging Japan is pleased to welcome curator Akihiro Suzuki to organize a special online screenings of films by Michio Okabe in November and December. The November screening will present Crazy Love, a work packed with Okabe’s original sense of camp aesthetic.

We are excited to partner with Lightbox Film Center to present this program. The on-demand streaming will be available for $6 for non-members, free for CCJ members, from November 20th through 29th, on our streaming platform.

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Membership Feature: Keiji Uematsu Part 1
to Oct 30

Membership Feature: Keiji Uematsu Part 1

CCJ is launching our Membership program with benefits to access the Membership Monthly Feature, a monthly selection of artists' work(s) on our viewing platform, and discounts on special online screening and event programs. You can now learn more about Japanese experimental moving image artists and works while supporting CCJ!

This fall we are featuring works by Keiji Uematsu. In October, three early works, 23.5 (1970, 3:50 min, Single 8mm, b&w, silent), Compression—Relation of Matters / 圧・態―構造の関係性 (1971, 14:39 min, 8mm, b&w, sound), and Earth Point Project—Mirror (1972, 9:40 min, 8mm, color, silent) will be available for members' viewing. Additional works by Uematsu will be on view for members in the coming months.

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Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver’s Cinematic Illumination at MoMA
to Apr 18

Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver’s Cinematic Illumination at MoMA

  • The Museum of Modern Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver’s Cinematic Illumination at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is now open by appointment. As part of the Intermedia Art Festival at the discotheque Killer Joe’s, Tokyo, in 1969, Gulliver presented Cinematic Illumination (1968-69), a work involving eighteen slide projectors that illuminated the unique 360-degree environment.

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"Ritual" as an Image
to Jul 2

"Ritual" as an Image

Collaborative Cataloging Japan is pleased to welcome curators Go Hirasawa and Shuhei Hosoya to organize a special online screening of films by members of the group Zero Jigen (Zero Dimension), Shinichi Iwata and Yoshihiro Katō. We are excited to partner with Lightbox Film Center to present this program. The on-demand screening will take place from June 25th through July 2nd, on our streaming platform.

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*CANCELED* More Than Cinema Performance by Katsu Kanai & Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver
6:00 PM18:00

*CANCELED* More Than Cinema Performance by Katsu Kanai & Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver

In More Than Cinema, Motoharu Jonouchi’s and Keiichi Tanaami’s works are presented in the Pioneer Works galleries as an installation, but they were originally shown in a much different way—as live performances. Jonouchi and Tanaami experimented with film in their examination of the boundaries between art and life, politics, and technology. For this special evening, filmmaker Katsu Kanai and artist Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver will bring past performances to life.

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