September 23, 2020
5-6pm EST
Held on Zoom
Register for individual lecture: $15 ($10 JASGP Members)
Register for entire Curators Talk series: $40 ($30 JASGP Members)
CCJ is pleased to participate in the JapanPhilly2020 Curators Talks organized by Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia.
The JapanPhilly2020 Curators' Talks offer an exclusive opportunity to hear from some of the Philadelphia region's most-prolific curators as they highlight our region's connections with Japan.
To kick off the series, Ann Adachi-Tasch, executive director of Collaborative Cataloging Japan, will host "Collaborative Cataloging Japan, Japanese Experimental Moving Image, 1955-1979" on as a virtual presentation on September 23 from 5 to 6pm. This talk will highlight the different pockets of experimentalism of avant-garde film and video production that were active in Japan from the mid-1950s through the 1970s. The talk will also briefly cover CCJ’s mission and its method and strategies for safeguarding this legacy.