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Nobuhiro Aihara: Works 1982-2008 - Programs C & D
7:00 PM19:00

Nobuhiro Aihara: Works 1982-2008 - Programs C & D

Collaborative Cataloging Japan is pleased to invite Postwar Japan Moving Image Archive (PJMIA) to present the works of representative Japanese animation artist, Nobuhiro Aihara (1944–2011). Amounting to 70 titles, Aihara’s oeuvre covers not only animation but also avant-garde filmmaking. Since 2016 PJMIA has been organizing and digitizing these films, and are now available for public presentation in four parts, arranged chronologically.

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Nobuhiro Aihara: Works 1982-2008 - Programs A & B
7:00 PM19:00

Nobuhiro Aihara: Works 1982-2008 - Programs A & B

Collaborative Cataloging Japan is pleased to invite Postwar Japan Moving Image Archive (PJMIA) to present the works of representative Japanese animation artist, Nobuhiro Aihara (1944–2011). Amounting to 70 titles, Aihara’s oeuvre covers not only animation but also avant-garde filmmaking. Since 2016 PJMIA has been organizing and digitizing these films, and are now available for public presentation in four parts, arranged chronologically.

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Japanese Experimental Animation: Ko Nakajima, Keiichi Tanaami, and Nobuhiro A
7:00 PM19:00

Japanese Experimental Animation: Ko Nakajima, Keiichi Tanaami, and Nobuhiro A

Joined by the subject of experimental animation, the three Japanese artists/filmmakers and their works are linked with one another through the artists' serendipitous encounters, interest in animation, collaboration, and more recently, preservation initiatives. This program touches upon intersecting histories, while showcasing recent preservation efforts by Collaborative Cataloging Japan (of works by Ko Nakajima and Keiichi Tanaami) and CCJ's sister organization in Japan, Postwar Japan Moving Image Archive (of works by Nobuhiro Aihara).

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シンポジウム「タイムベースド・メディアの収集保存」/ International Panel at Tokyo Museum of Photographic Art
6:00 PM18:00

シンポジウム「タイムベースド・メディアの収集保存」/ International Panel at Tokyo Museum of Photographic Art


Co-organizers CCJ and TOP are pleased to present this panel, which brings together representatives from distinguished institutions to discuss recent case studies of presenting and preserving complex media art installations.

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2018 Collection Survey & Professional Exchange
to Feb 16

2018 Collection Survey & Professional Exchange

CCJ is pleased to welcome two archivists from New York, John Klacsmann, Anthology Film Archive, and Peter Oleksik, The Museum of Modern Art, to conduct Collection Survey research and Professional Exchange program in Tokyo in February 2018.


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