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May Daze & Early June: a video diary by Lucky Marvel


Meander is a space for documentation and experimentation within our website, a place to reflect on our projects and artists, as well as a way to explore intersections between those works, artists, and themes we study under our mission (Japanese experimental moving image works made in 1950s-1980s), and those that fall outside of our mission’s specific framework of timeframe, genres, and nationality.

Meander may take multiple forms including essays, introductions to artists and their work, online screening programs, or special digital projects. Offerings in Meander may suggest oblique angles from which to see CCJ’s mission-specific works, artists, histories, or practices.

May Daze & Early June: a video diary by Lucky Marvel

Mia Parnall

As part of the Community of Images exhibition, CCJ commissioned a short video work by University of the Arts graduate Lucky Marvel reacting to the works shown in our Community of Images exhibition at Philadelphia Art Alliance, which was administered by UArts until the institution's sudden closure.

Lucky's video work, which shows the aftermath of the closure including its effect on and responses from its students and workers, finds parallels in the work of artists Masanori Oe and Fujiko Nakaya in the Community of Images exhibition. Nakaya made innovative use of video to record a 1972 protest against the Chisso Corporation, and her translation of Michael Shamberg's manual Guerilla Television became an important text for the collective Video Hiroba, which advocated the spontaneous shooting and broadcasting of events against the grain of mainstream TV. Oe, who spent 1965-1968 in New York City, shot numerous protests, most notably the March on the Pentagon of 1967, developing in the process a cinematic language for the counterculture. 

Given the recent and sudden announcement of UArts closure on June 1 - one week before university operations were scheduled to terminate on June 7 and two weeks before the Community of Images exhibition was scheduled to open on June 14, the focus of this work necessarily pivoted to reflect the collective shock, anguish, and rage that the entire UArts community and Philadelphia's artist and creative community are feeling. While we are grateful that our exhibit was able to open on June 14 at Philadelphia Art Alliance, CCJ is fundraising to cover the gallery staffing costs during the exhibition dates, and we stand in solidarity with the dedicated arts workers, students, and graduates affected by UArts irresponsible actions.

We hope this powerful work from Lucky will inspire more creative responses to the school's sudden closure, as Philadelphia's creative community continues to process these recent events.

May Daze & Early June

May Daze & Early June is a video diary chronicling May 31st - June 7th, 2024. The videotape threads together the sudden closure of UArts, fragments from CCJ's Community of Images exhibition, a trip to the Mahoning Drive-in, and miscellaneous MiniDV observations distilling personal loss, temporality, and uncertainty among my peers, professors, colleagues, and closest friends.

Lucky Marvel

Install view, Fujiko Nakaya, Friends of Minamata Victims

Masanori Oe & Marvin Fishman, No Game, 1967

Install view, Fujiko Nakaya’s translation of Michael Shamberg’s Guerilla Television