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Advocates for Preservation and Dissemination of Japanese Experimental Moving Image Works


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Collaborative Cataloging Japan (CCJ) is an international, 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, documenting, and disseminating the legacy of Japanese experimental moving image made in 1950s—1980s, in order to enable their appreciation by a wider audience.

Without this effort, this unique sector of Japanese cultural heritage, which historically has been underrepresented and unsupported, would remain available to only a very few. Buried in artists’ studios or independent archives, many works are in danger of literal disappearance as film and video mediums continue to deteriorate.

The scope of moving image focus includes: fine art on film and video, documentations of performance, independently produced documentaries, experimental animation, and experimental television. For more information, please visit:

コラボラティヴ・カタロギング・ジャパンは日本の実験映像作品(1950s—1980s)の記録、保存、情報提供を支援します。CCJは作品を保持しているコレクション(美術館、大学、図書館、個人作家)へ持続性や共有性を有する記録制作(データベース)や作品の保存プロジェクトのサポートを提供します。また問題の取り組みの中で専門家、機関、個人とのネットワークの育みをサポートします。 CCJはアメリカ政府に認可された非営利団体です。

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