Yōji Kuri
Photo: Oh! Production
Yōji Kuri
Yōji Kuri was born in 1928 in Sabae, Fukui, Japan. He has been active in numerous fields including animation, manga, painting, illustration, sculpture, and fiction. He founded the animation studio Kuri Jikken Manga Kōbō (Kuri Experimental Animation Studio) in 1960 and began producing works. The same year, Kuri, Ryōhei Yanagihara, and Hiroshi Manabe formed Animation 3-nin no Kai (Three-Person Animation Circle) and organized Japan’s first experimental animation screening at Sōgetsu Art Center. The screening series was later rebranded as an “Animation Festival,” and became the country’s foundational festival of animation, screening works from both Japan and overseas.
Music by Kuniharu Akiyama, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Yoko Ono, Tōru Takemitsu and others was incorporated into Kuri’s animated films, and many works including his masterpiece Clap Vocalism won awards and were screened at film festivals around the world. In the early days of Japanese television, Kuri produced hundreds of animations for televised series such as 11PM, Minna no Uta (“Songs for Everyone”), and Hyokkori Hyotan Island, and he also appeared in many TV programs and commercials. He continues to paint and create animation today.
Translation by Colin Smith
FASHION / ファッション | 1960, 5 min, sound, bw
Two Fishes (B/W Ver.) / 二匹のサンマ(白黒版) | 1960, 22 min, sound, bw
Fantasia of Stamps / 切手の幻想 | 1960, 7 min, sound, color
Here and There / あっちはこっち | 1961, 25:12 min, sound, color
HUMAN ZOO / 人間動物園 | 1961, 3 min, sound, color
LOVE / 愛 |1963, 5 min, sound, color
LOCUS / 軌跡 | 1963, 3 min, sound, color
The Chair / 椅子 | 1963, 10 min, sound, bw
Discovery of Zero / ゼロの発見 | 1963, 20 min, sound, color
Kachi-kachi Yama / カチカチ山 | 1963, 10 min, sound, bw
THE BUTTON / ザ・ボタン | 1964, 3 min, sound, color
MAN and WOMAN and DOG / 男と女と犬 | 1964, 3 min, sound, color
RING RING BOY / リングリングボーイ | 1964, 4:15 min, sound, color
AOS / アオス | 1964, 9:13 min, sound, bw
The Man Next Door / 隣の野郎 | 1965, 9 min, sound, bw
SAMURAI / 侍 | 1965, 8 min, sound, bw
The Window / 窓 | 1965, 5:48 min, sound, bw
AU FOU ! (Orig. Ver.) / 殺人狂時代(オリジナル版) | 1965, 13 min, sound, bw
Sade’s Eggs / サドの卵 | 1966, 9:35 min, sound, color
Tiny Whisper / 小さな囁き | 1966, 12 min, sound, color
Thirteen Chapters of Love / 愛の十三章 | 1966, 10 min, sound, color
FURU FURU / フルフル | 1967, 4 min, sound, color
FLOWER / 花 | 1967, 1 min, sound, color
The ROOM / 部屋 | 1967, 5 min, sound, color
AU FOU ! (Intl. Ver.) / 殺人狂時代(海外版) | 1967, 10 min, sound, color
WHAT DO YOU THINK? / あなたは何を考えているの? | 1967, 10 min, sound, color
Two Fishes (Color Ver.) / 二匹のサンマ(カラー版) | 1968, 13 min, sound, color
Love of KEMEKO / ケメ子のLOVE | 1968, 3 min, sound, color
CLAZY WORLD / 馬鹿馬鹿馬鹿な世界 | 1968, 5 min, sound, color
G String / G線上の悲劇 | 1969, 9 min, sound, color
He's Got The Whole World / 世界はわがもの | 1969, 10 min, sound, bw
The Midnight Parasites / 寄生虫の一夜 | 1972, 10 min, sound, color
The Bathroom / ザ・バスルーム | 1972, 10 min, sound, color
IMUS / 食夢死 | 1973, 9 min, sound, color
Tree of Freud / フロイトの木 | 1974, 5 min, sound, color
Life on the Tree / 木の上の生活 | 1974, 3 min, sound, color
POP | 1974, 3 min, sound, bw
Illusionary Comedy / 幻想の喜劇 | 1975, 5 min, sound, color
Bursting Population / 人口爆発 | 1976, 5 min, sound, color
The Evolution / 進化 | 1976, 4 min, sound, color
MANGA | 1977, 7 min, sound, color
VANISH | 1978, 3 min, sound, color
THE CAT | 1978, 17 min, sound, color
BE AN EGOIST ! (PART 1-6) | 1981, sound, color
IMAGINATION of MARATHON RUNNERS | 1984, 2:24 min, sound, color
The Miihaa (special miihaa mix) / ザ・ミーハー (スペシャル・ミーハー・ミックス) | 1988, 6 min, sound, color
Winter Days - Yasui/ 冬の日(破・初裏八句・野水) | 2003, sound, color
Dung Beetle / フンコロガシ | 2006, 4:10 min, sound, color
A Walnut in the Head part1 / 頭の中のくるみ Part1 | 2007, sound, color
A Walnut in the Head part2 / 頭の中のくるみ Part1 | 2007, sound, color
GRAMOPHONE | 2008, 1:37 min, sound, color