Isao Fujisawa
Isao Fujisawa
Isao Fujisawa was born December 17, 1941 in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture. During his college days, he worked as an assistant director on Hiroshi Teshigahara's Woman in the Dunes (1964) and The Face of Another (1966). He then became an assistant director at Toei and worked on the yakuza films directed by Yasuo Furuhata and starring Ken Takakura, before leaving Toei in 1972 to write and direct Bye Bye Love, which was released in 1974. After that, he worked as a television director, and worked on many television documentaries, such as Morita Doji - Last Waltz (森田童子・ラスト・ワルツ). He has received numerous awards, including the Galaxy Encouragement Award for Anna Ogino Living in Unforgivable Love (荻野アンナ 許されない恋に生きて). His feature-length documentary The Apple of Life (いのちの林檎, 2013), won the Grand Prix at a film festival and was released in theaters. His latest theatrical release is the feature-length documentary film Tokyo Meoto Zenzai (2023).
1941年12月17日 岩手県釜石市生まれ。大学生時代に勅使河原宏(Hiroshi Teshigahara)監督『砂の女』(1964)、『他人の顔』(1966)の助監督を務める。東映の助監督となり、降籏康男(Yasuo Furuhata)監督、高倉健(Ken Takakura)主演の任侠映画などに参加。1972年、脚本・監督作品『バイバイ ラブ』制作のため、東映を退社。1974年『バイバイ ラブ』公開。以降、テレビのディレクターとして『森田童子・ラスト・ワルツ(Morita Doji-Last Waltz)』をはじめ、ドキュメンタリー番組を多数手掛ける。『荻野アンナ 許されない恋に生きて』でギャラクシー奨励賞を受賞するなど受賞歴多数。長編ドキュメンタリー『いのちの林檎』(2013)は、映画祭でグランプリ受賞、劇場公開された。最新劇場公開作は『東京夫婦善哉『Tokyo Meoto Zenzai』(2023)。