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Imai Norio Still.jpg

Interview: Norio Imai

This interview was recorded on October 26, 2021 as a special feature to accompany the screening, “Norio Imai: Eizō as Intermedial Practice.” Curator Haeyun Park engages in a conversation with Norio Imai on a variety of topics related to his works showcased in this online exhibition.

interview: NORIO IMAI

This interview was recorded on October 26, 2021 as a special feature to accompany the screening, “Norio Imai: Eizō as Intermedial Practice.” Curator Haeyun Park engages in a conversation with Norio Imai on a variety of topics related to his works showcased in this online exhibition. The topics include: the development of eizō within the history of Japanese contemporary art in the 1960s, photography as a tool to critically engage with the circulation of images in mass media, the emphasis on the tactility and materiality of the video tape in his performances, as well as the visualization of temporal duration, among others. Imai’s surprise performance of Daily Portrait marks the grand finale of the interview.

Haeyun Park is an art historian and art critic, who currently teaches in the College of Fine Arts at Seoul National University. She received her PhD in Art History from the Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) with a dissertation on the trans-Pacific development of postwar video art in Japan, Korea, and the U.S. Her recent publications include “From ‘Production’ to ‘Practice’: Bikyōtō REVOLUTION Committee’s Moving Image Works in the 1970s” (Korean Journal of Art History and Visual Culture No. 27, 2021), “Water, Stone, Body: The Feedback between Matter, Man, and Moving Image in Park Hyunki’s Work” (Gallery Hyundai, 2021), and “Reality is Like Amateur Baseball: VIC’s Activities from Information to Communication” (Keio University Art Center, 2018), among others. She has also worked in the exhibition departments at MoMA, the New Museum of Contemporary Art, and the International Center of Photography. She holds a B.A. from Yale University and an M.A. from Columbia University.


Norio Imai: Eizō as Intermedial Practice

December 2021

Interrogating Ecology: 1970s Media and Art in Japan