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Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver: Experimental Japanese Film, 1966–69
2:00 PM14:00

Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver: Experimental Japanese Film, 1966–69

Collaborative Cataloging Japan (CCJ) is pleased to collaborate with Vox Populi Gallery to present an artist talk by Japanese artist Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver. As part of CCJ’s Japanese Expanded Cinema research thread, recently launched with grant support from the Andy Warhol Foundation, Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver will introduce to an audience in Philadelphia, his conceptual and performative film explorations of the late-1960s.

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Newsreel Documentaries of Masanori Oe
7:00 PM19:00

Newsreel Documentaries of Masanori Oe

As the first step in Collaborative Cataloging Japan’s engagement and research with Japanese expanded cinema, CCJ is pleased to invite filmmaker Masanori Oe and curator Go Hirasawa from Japan to present Mr. Oe’s films in the 1960s to audiences in Philadelphia. Incorporating experiments with the materiality of film and using multiple projections, Mr. Oe’s newsreel documentary works reveal the artistic and political directions and conditions under which artists and filmmakers made their work. 

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Masao Adachi's Female Student Guerrilla at International House Philadelphia
7:00 PM19:00

Masao Adachi's Female Student Guerrilla at International House Philadelphia

Organized in collaboration with Collaborative Cataloging Japan (CCJ)’s partner researcher, Go Hirasawa (Meiji Gakuin University), this screening event underscores recent preservation and digitization efforts by international institutions and individuals. This screening will feature a new digital transfer of Masao Adachi’s Female Student Guerrilla; curator and scholar Go Hirasawa will introduce the program.

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To preserve film is to project it: A conversation about networked archiving and the preservation of Japanese experimental film
6:30 PM18:30

To preserve film is to project it: A conversation about networked archiving and the preservation of Japanese experimental film

Collaborative Cataloging Japan is pleased collaborate with Slought Foundation in presenting "To preserve film is to project it," a conversation about networked archiving and the preservation of Japanese experimental film, on Friday, February 3, 2017 from 6:30-8:30pm. The event will feature presentations by Alexander Zahlten and Go Hirasawa, and will begin with a series of screenings from 6:30-7pm of Motoharu Jonouchi's Gewaltpia Trailer (1969) and Adachi Masao's Galaxy (1967), as well as other digitized rare 8mm films. 

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