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11:00 AM11:00


  • Nihon University College of Art, Ekoda Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

日本映像学会東部支部 と米国非営利団体法人コラボラティブ・カタロギング・ジャパン(CCJ) が共催企画で提供する「日米のオルタナティブ・映像アーカイブの成り立ちと現在で方向性」は日本と米国における映像作品のオルタナティブ・アーカイブの歴史的背景の議論を踏まえ、現在日本で個人や小規模団体が草の根作業で行う事例やそのカタロギングのメソッドついて焦点をあてます。

In collaboration with Nihon University College of Art and Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences (JASIAS), CCJ is pleased to present a day-long workshop

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Mako Idemitsu & Shigeko Kubota Screening @ PAAFF 2016
5:45 PM17:45

Mako Idemitsu & Shigeko Kubota Screening @ PAAFF 2016

  • Philadelphia Community College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Collaborative Cataloging Japan is pleased to present at Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival, works by two pioneering female Japanese video artists. Mako Idemitsu and Shigeko Kubota share common grounds as artists who relocated to the U.S. in the 1960s—Idemitsu to California, and Kubota to New York. The 70-minute screening program is followed by discussions with Dr. Midori Yoshimoto, Associate Professor and Gallery Director at New Jersey City University.

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Taka Iimura's MA:Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoanji
to Oct 30

Taka Iimura's MA:Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoanji

  • Shofuso Japanese House and Garden (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Collaborative Cataloging Japan (CCJ) partners with the Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia (JASGP) to present a month-long exhibition of MA:Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoanji, by Takahiko Iimura from October 1-30, 2016. Please join us in the reception and artist talk on October 6, 2016. (*Please RSVP)

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